Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Week That (Almost) Broke Me


Because, on top of everything else we do on a daily basis (meals, baths, diaper changes, laundry, cleaning, wrangling, crowd controlling, behavior modifying, chauffeuring, etc., etc.), this is what our week looked like:

1.) We have 9 kids, ages 16 months, 3, 4, just turned 6, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14. 'Nough said.

2.) This was the last week of school, complete with awards days, water days, class parties, and early release days. And homework! Seriously, teachers, do you really need to get in that last hour-long worksheet just because you can? Because at this point, what's the point?

3.) Our oldest child got expelled for the remainder of the year....a full 2 days, and 2 half days....for cussing out his teacher, whom he'd already been having trouble behaving for. This occurred just 3 weeks after his 5 day suspension for misbehaving on the school bus.

4.) We had our monthly food bank and United Way run on Monday and Tuesday. Translation: massive amounts of food, toiletries, paper products to be sorted, put away, and organized. All with 4 children home during the day.

5.) Our kids are going to a 2 week, overnight camp, next week, so we had to pack for them. Imagine 8 gigantic duffle bags the size of me......

6.) The Bittners are going on a 2 week beach trip, so we had to pack for ourselves. Not too hard, if I only had the time to do it!

7.) The kids were out for summer break beginning at 11:00am on Thursday morning, and have already been complaining of the heat, boredom, and each other. My solution? OH WELL! You either get over it, find something to do, or I will find you something to do (which usually means a mammoth long list of chores, or going to bed)!

8.) On Friday, we added another child, age 9, who, thanks to his wonderful grandparents, came pre-packed for camp. At this point, what's 1 more when you already have a house full, right? WRONG! All least my current 9 know all the rules, can follow our routine, and are fairly well-behaved, most of the time. New kids need at least a month to get used to everything we do. I can't teach that in a week!

9.) This morning, on the eve of our 12-person departure, our 3 yr. old, sometime in the night, removed his pull-up and pooped in various spots all over his carpeted bedroom floor. We didn't hear a thing on the monitor, because this child is not very vocal, yet. I told Chris we are getting a video monitor for that room, and that is that!

10.) On Thursday, our 16 month old had an outpatient, genital surgery, complete with anesthetics, bandages, stitches, antibiotics, pain meds, bladder spasm meds, and a catheter. Oh, and did I mention OUR BABY HAS A CATHETER? For the next 5-7 days. Though he's been in pretty good spirits, and hasn't had any complications, post-op, it still takes at least 2 people, and 2 diapers, per diaper change. That leaves a house of 9 kids unattended for at least 1-2 minutes, 5-8 times a day. Trust me, our boys can turn this house upside down AND inside out in less than half that amount of time.

SO.........Why am I still alive? Why have I not run screaming for the hills? Why am I not curled up in my bed with the lights turned off and the covers over my head pretending nobody's home?

This is what I have to look forward to in a little less than 24 hours (plus the 9 hours in the car tomorrow on the way down to Bradenton, FL). This picture was taken, just a few days ago, by Chris's dad. Looking at it reminds me of 3 very important things:

1.) My in-laws are awesome.

2.) This too shall pass.

3.) There is a God.

Florida or Bust, for real, y'all!

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